Jimbobjo's Way of Life

Friday, December 17, 2004

A review of a Chrimbo event that I went to last night (5)

We are almost at the end of the marathon of Chrimbo events now. This is because we are almost at Christmas itself, and it is not really appropriate to have Chrimbo events after the actual day.

Last night was the FARG Christmas Do at the National Railway Museum. Again the food was god and most of my friends who live in the area were there, with a couple of important exceptions.

Tsuki again was wearing a fabulous home-made dress, this time a red affair with rather high slits up the side. It was ok though, she told me, because she was wearing sensible pants underneath. Not sure how this helps really, but I am not an expert in women's underwear.

Hard to choose who had the best outfit, because so many girls were there looking gorgeous. It was much easier to choose the best-looking girl at event one. I hope to have a date with her in the New Year, when our schedules are less busy.

Entertainment was a little disappointing - bog standard disco was provided. For some reason I was expecting a band. Must have got my wires-crossed there.

So score has to be 7 out of 10.


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