Jimbobjo's Way of Life

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I'm famous (in Yorkshire)

I was rather bemused yesterday morning to come into work and be presented with a picture of myself! At first I thought that it must be some internal work document that somehow a photo of me had got onto. This was not the case, however.

It turns out that lots of people at work had received their annual AGM notices from a certain local building society and there is a big picture of me on the back cover! The photo was taken when I went to a member feedback meeting at the NRM last October time. They said that they were going to take some photos, but I had no idea that they would be used in the AGM notice and sent out to 1million policyholders!!

Because of this, I am rather more tempted to go to the AGM of another local building society, this time local to CC of which I am also a member. Then I may get in print again.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Manchester fun

I have an interesting weekend coming up starting tomorrow night. I'm off to Manchester with CC to see a play put on by the Society that she used to be a member of. Means I'll get to meet a load more of her friends. Should be a positive end to a mixed week at work.